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Alias Born 03/22/2005

Re: fung_derf post# 421

Wednesday, 09/18/2024 12:36:07 PM

Wednesday, September 18, 2024 12:36:07 PM

Post# of 500
Derf, >> 20 year old stripper in Taiwan <<

Bingo, how did you guess? :o) But no, actually a 69 year old retired DDS / DMD. In the early days I bungled my investment results by being too aggressive and cavalier (biotech, etc), but then got serious and spent a year learning TA / Charts at the 'chart school', and eventually developed the current strategy, which so far has been working well. Stocks are 30% of the portfolio, so fairly low, but seems about right for retirement.

The tax side / capital gains hasn't been a problem yet since I still have some loss carryforwards from the 'bad old days'. Hence the tendency has been to take profits quickly. But buy / hold is where the real growth and profits are, so the challenge has been finding a way to 'stay the course'.

It sounds like you have a wide variety of investments. You mentioned triple net real estate, and having exposure to hard assets seems like a great idea. I currently only have a condo, which is great in retirement, but with inflation and the growing US 'debt bomb', it seems wise to get more exposure to hard asset inflation hedges.

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