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Alias Born 08/30/2001

Re: gfp927z post# 420

Wednesday, 09/18/2024 11:58:51 AM

Wednesday, September 18, 2024 11:58:51 AM

Post# of 492
I guess.
I don't know anything about you, other than you seem to enjoy researching and following stocks.
You may be a 20 year old stripper in Taiwan, or you may be an 85 year old real estate mogul in Atlanta. So, it is beyond me to try to guess your ultimate goal. I just think, for most people, you are making it too tough, just to get average returns.
You could just as easily buy mutual funds since you are buying S&P 500 stocks, THEN buying the S&P 500. If it were me, at the very least I'd be looking into the equal weighted S&P ($RSP).
You didn't mention your annual returns, but I would be curious as to whether your strategy is working. If you are gaining huge returns, what you are doing is a hobby.
Are you seeking growth? Are you looking to leave a legacy for others? Does income matter to you? Obviously you are not risk averse, but do you also buy fixed income? Does diversification to you just mean many sectors?
Personally, I own stocks, mutual funds, muni bonds, variable annuities...and a bit of real estate of which I lack the knowledge to handle properly. Currently I'm seeking out triple net properties.

Just my opinion, of course.

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