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Re: ETG58 post# 99073

Wednesday, 09/18/2024 11:55:07 AM

Wednesday, September 18, 2024 11:55:07 AM

Post# of 100635
Yes, I'm aware Leinwand has been MONI's attorney for a long time. He's been on my radar for over 20 years. And he has apparently avoided any convictions in any legal actions or litigation against the respective companies he's been associated with. However, officers in some of those companies have gone to prison. It's hard to imagine their legal counsel being unaware of the violations that were occurring in those companies. He's clearly smart enough to avoid prosecution, but clearly his involvement with so many shady issues and proven pump-n-dumps should be of concern to shareholders and any new firm that merges with MONI. Perhaps the INDEXR guys plan to replace him with an attorney of their own choosing. I think that would be a good move. Failure to replace Leinwand based on his past and current associations should be a warning sign for investors. Imagine what would happen if some stock analyst starts covering MONI and uncovers Leinwand's past, and publishes his concerns about a company retaining the services of such a shady and questionable character.

You wouldn't want your kids hanging out with drug dealers, pimps, swindlers, con artists, robbers and thieves, or their attorneys. You certainly wouldn't want your daughter to marry any person associated with them. But it's apparently okay to drop thousands of dollars into the hands of a company whose legal counsel has been associated with MANY criminal and shady operations. I got it. You're all adults, make your own decisions, and will certainly not blame others if this investment goes south. Well, maybe most of you. One I absolutely know will blame others, based on his posting history on multiple failed investments.

Leinwand reminds me of Saul Goodman from Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul. Great entertainment value, but not someone I would want to be associated with, especially as an investor in a company he was associated with. But hey, I'm sure you're a big fan of both shows so everything will be just peachy.