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Alias Born 08/30/2001

Re: gfp927z post# 413

Wednesday, 09/18/2024 9:15:48 AM

Wednesday, September 18, 2024 9:15:48 AM

Post# of 492
Well, nice. I may have to hire you to do my fundamental analysis. However, I've found that banks and insurance companies are quite astute at creative accounting and the two industries I don't even try to understand the numbers (well I guess I'd definitely put the pharma sector in that category too).
I guess I'm not smart enough to analyze the numbers so I put more credence in my ability for technical analysis.
I see LNC as sitting on the support line with much more upside right now than downside. If it breaks support I dump it with a small loss. If it holds I see at least a run to $40+ (currently at $29.96).
When I was younger, my philosophy was....take any 30% gain or 15% loss and I only have to be right half as often.

When I'm in a casino, I'm playing craps. But I'm only playing the don'ts and laying the odds. My gambling is like my investing. I'm looking for long, slow, low risk returns now with limited downside. Sadly, craps doesn't pay a dividend so I prefer that in my stocks.
The penny stock guys are the ones playing craps/11. Of course they also are playing with loaded dice against them.

Just my opinion, of course.

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