Re the early trading dynamics if/when the IPO succeeds, I think we've discussed that a number of times as the months have turned into years. I'd expect a short-term drop, as people anxious to exit for literally years try to liquidate immediately. Whether there is some value-based demand after that is difficult to tell -- but, with a float this small, it only takes a few bullish quasi-insiders to absorb enough shares to create a tailwind. After that, it's entirely a function of how the clinical trials go. And I expect the initial results to be good, since it's basically about safety at that stage, and they have plenty of offshore data to expect little or no problem with that. Of course, if they see unexpected early efficacy on top of establishing safety, that's when things get really interesting. If I remember correctly, Mesoblast had a couple billion dollar valuation at one point (I could be wrong about that, but I know it topped a billion). Should that happen with VTRO, investors from the penny stock days would see something like a 5,000-6,000% ROI, not accounting for further dilution beyond all the outstanding notes and warrants, some of which is inevitable. I don't expect anything that good to happen, but it's possible -- it doesn't take too too much good news in the biotech world to create a billion dollar valuation.