I have been aware of AI for decades: I used to write press releases for this company and translate the CEO's techno-talk. They had a two functional products, and AI elder care robot and an AI collision free wheelchair. I believe what brought them down was certs that were counterfeited off shore. It wasn't because the science didn't work. XenaLives Member Level Re: robotgeek post# 17078 Wednesday, September 21, 2011 1:26:03 AM Post# 17085 of 56720 In the last year the cost of the CareBot has been reduced drastically due to changes in technology that were incorporated into the hardware. The cost reduction will make for a stronger launch IMO. Carebots have been marketable for several years. You can have in home trials forever. You can improve them forever. The home trials were extremely important in perfecting the AI (artificial intelligence) software. You're talking about teaching a machine to understand and adapt to human behavior, something a lot of humans aren't even capable of. https://investorshub.advfn.com/boards/read_msg.aspx?message_id=67278793&txt2find=%22AI%22 XenaLives Member Level Re: None Thursday, December 13, 2012 11:57:34 PM Post# 45376 of 56720 Now let's look at Spencer's resume: Spencer is well qualified to be CEO and he's gotten further with the CareBot in 15 years than iRobot has in 20 LOL! http://www.linkedin.com/pub/r-martin-spencer/11/b2a/580 The CareBot has completely autonomous navigation - no maps required and it smoothly avoids moving and stationary obstacles. The navigation can be equipped with whatever sensors are appropriate for the job. It has an AI hierarchy that creates situational awareness and it can be fitted with available over the counter sensors so the platform can be configured for personal assistance, telemedecine, security, whatever is needed. Both the navigation system and the upper level AI can be migrated to other robots and non-robotic machines can be converted to robotic control. In other words - now that the tech has credibile third party validation, it's only a matter of time until they have wheelchair kits on the market or that first big licensing deal. Then the ME TOO crowd will jump in and licensing opportunities will start popping up like tulips in springtime. http://www.geckosystems.com/high_level/ https://investorshub.advfn.com/boards/read_msg.aspx?message_id=82460378&txt2find=%22AI%22