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Re: bmoney2 post# 63139

Monday, 09/09/2024 6:11:24 AM

Monday, September 09, 2024 6:11:24 AM

Post# of 63212
Maybe we see "pumping" differently" I was pro GRPS in the beginning when the company set out
their plan for the new company, but as promises came and gone, then the b/s started, we have a
distributor but we can't tell you their name, wtf is that crap ? keep blaming finra for the new ticker
failure ? why are other companies getting new tickers daily ? and yet when you point this stuff out
you get attacked, hell even a past loser of a mod had me banned on another board, because i started questioning this stock,
and they go on pumping this company like it's the greatest since sliced bread ? sorry i don't have to lie and miss lead
others to put a few pennies in my pocket, i guess if the company lived up to the BS they pumped some here wouldn't
have to lie and mislead, for they are the true losers trying to get the money they lost back any way they can...