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Re: Sirdaniels1 post# 70684

Wednesday, 09/04/2024 12:34:22 PM

Wednesday, September 04, 2024 12:34:22 PM

Post# of 70726
With the tap room going full steam during the tourist season, the company should be doing just fine. They may be just swamped busy. They have beer festivals to attend, new beers to make and they're always throwing some type of special summer event at the BrewHaus.

Plus, the promissory note lenders must be happy since there should be plenty of cash to make the monthly payments to them. Heck, management might be ready to talk them into loaning the company several million dollars this time around to grow the business even bigger. I got to give the company an A+ for a successful design and launch of the tap room so maybe those lenders would jump on board to help build a much bigger company.

I still think somewhere in the Nevada City/Grass Valley region the company will build a much bigger tap room/brewery that would be more like a tourist destination. The current tap room is pretty cool but it's just the size of a gas station with a large outdoor patio.

What I'd like to see is a Cabela's size building that seats 150-200 people inside a much grander style building. They no doubt have to skills to do it from my perspective. I still plan on being here with millions of shares to find out.