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Re: Sirdaniels1 post# 70682

Wednesday, 09/04/2024 10:19:39 AM

Wednesday, September 04, 2024 10:19:39 AM

Post# of 70726
I'm still thinking about it since I saw it yesterday. On one hand it's good of course since they won't get suspended if they don't get all of their filings in on time. So maybe the quarterly is on the way but I'm not so certain anymore after the sister company has gone dark.

I've wondered if maybe they might get bought out or if they have intentions to take the company private, avoiding all the costs and headaches of being a public company. The logic from the buyout side is that the sister company never claimed any patents for their portable transfer unit that seemed to be pretty popular. So if they got rid of that company altogether, then a big company could just buy the brewery and kind of assume the ability to have those transfer units made by the brewing company without out having to buy all the bad debt at the sister company. These are just speculative ideas that came to mind and certainly not investment advice as I'm not a financial advisor.

However, if a big company was able to get exclusive rights to those transfer units, that would give the larger brewer a huge advantage since they would be able to transfer liquids faster, while their competition would no longer be able to get those units. What if all of their transfer operations simply made it 5-10% faster every day, essentially allowing them to make 5-10% more beer daily/weekly/annually. For a brewer that makes hundreds of millions in annual revenue, that would add a boatload of revenue to their annual sales, making it a reasonable proposition to buy out the brewery.

Another idea would be that the brewing company goes private. Since those promissory notes last year to the company all seemed to originate from friends and associates and not established lending companies, then between the common shares those promissory note lenders could get from their convertible preferred shares, along with the shares that the insiders have, that should give them more than 50% of the shares of the company.

Or, maybe they're just running late on their filings. Kinda really hard to guess the direction of this company as they sometimes follow through with what they say, and sometimes not. So I wait. Might take a couple hundred dollars off the table if I can and steer it towards I-F-U-S as a long term play. After 3 years I'm still not making money here.