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Alias Born 07/18/2006

Re: Eli's Gone post# 84776

Tuesday, 09/03/2024 3:19:40 PM

Tuesday, September 03, 2024 3:19:40 PM

Post# of 85043
2024 Football Pool setttings:

1. Hubnutz
straight pick 'em
Duration: Regular season and Playoffs
Pick deadline: 5 minutes before each game
Tiebreakers to determine weekly winners

2. Hubnutz Confidence
pick game winner and assign a confidence # to each game---your score will be the sum total of all your confidence points for every game you win...
he confidence #'s range each week from 1 thru the # of games that week (1-16 for week 1)--the higher the #, the more confident you are and a higher score
Duration: Regular season and Playoffs
Pick deadline: 5 minutes before each game

3. Hubnutz Survivor
pick one game per week---no repeat picks
Duration: Regular season
Double elimination
Pick deadline: 1:00 PM ET Sunday or 5 minutes before game if you pick a team that plays earlier than 1:00PM Sunday that week

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