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Re: StockSeedGems2143 post# 286428

Monday, 09/02/2024 12:29:42 PM

Monday, September 02, 2024 12:29:42 PM

Post# of 286509
No. That’s not what it says.

It’s says that:

1- if after the R/S you got a fraction of share it will be rounded up to the nearest whole share.

So, for instance, if after R/S you were supposed to get 122,35 shares you’ll get 123.

2- if after the R/S you got less than 100 shares they will round to 100 and therefore you’ll get 100 shares.

So for instance let say you had 3 M shares prior R/S, after R/S you should have gotten 60 shares. But instead you’ll get 100.