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Re: santafe2 post# 111381

Sunday, 09/01/2024 11:24:33 PM

Sunday, September 01, 2024 11:24:33 PM

Post# of 111672
Someone has had your thought previously. In the upside-down world of Trey Parker's "South Park", Donald Trump had run for PM of Canada, and many voted for him as a joke which turned out to be not quite so funny.

As one Canadian voter lamented: "He didn't really offer any solutions, he just said outrageous things. We thought it was funny. Nobody really thought he'd ever be PM. It was a joke! But we just let the joke go on for too long."

America quickly fills up with Canadian refugees fleeing the chaos of Trump's Canada.

In South Park episode "Where my Country Gone?" South Parks's math teacher Mr Garrison leads a crowd of angry Americans to the Canadian border where Canadian Prime Minister Donald Trump sits atop Canada's new Border Wall, built "so you filthy Americans can't rape our women and such and to preserve all our cool shit.."

This makes Mr Garrison so angry he illegally enters Canada inside a barrel going over Niagara Falls where he marches to Trump Tower in Toronto to murder Donald Trump for insulting America. As he enters the office, Donald Trump is dancing to the popular 1982 song "The Safety Dance".

Having proven his complete vulgarity and lack of ethics, Mr Garrison, wearing orange racoon make-up, with his sleazy but hot VP candidate Caitlyn Jenner are promptly elected to the White House - with the help of a new hallucinogenic food product called 'member berries which made the eater remember how good things used to be before there were immigrants in America. -

We've run out of other people's Social Security taxes needed to subsidize our low income tax rates.

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