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Alias Born 11/01/2006

Re: Ryan_chris post# 27312

Wednesday, 08/21/2024 9:56:48 AM

Wednesday, August 21, 2024 9:56:48 AM

Post# of 27378
Trying to imply there'll be a short squeeze in the ticker id what's disingenuous.

But if people are too lazy to learn the truth rather than listen to some anonymous poster (yes, that includes both of us) they do so at their peril.

So have fun touting Finra's daily numbers. I'm not wasting my time with it.

Oh, and while people research how a MM makes a market in theses trip zero tickers, research how much it costs to do so. It's expensive and also comes with the risk that it might get pumped to where covering is necessary. That's any investors worse nightmare.

You can lead a horse to water. But you can't make him get down on one knee and do an Al Jolson impression!

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