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Alias Born 03/20/2012

Re: CaptHowdy post# 649

Thursday, 08/15/2024 10:00:19 AM

Thursday, August 15, 2024 10:00:19 AM

Post# of 842
I agree with you that communication has been very poor. You do have to agree though that if poor communication was done in order to keep RXMD low so they could buy remaining company at lowest possible cost, then NXPL is getting itself a steal of a deal which will reverse shareholder price as soon as they start communicating and RXMD is fully integrated into NXPL.

I mean take NXPL market cap and add that to 50% of RXMD market cap and that’s under 24 million which is what they have in cash and cash is growing.

Currently management can say pretty much nothing, they can purchase shares in either company until merger is complete. I fully expect them to act as soon as merger is done. They could buy up all the float and more if they wanted, company has the cash. I have urged NXPL to consider a share buyback as soon as merger is done.
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