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Alias Born 06/11/2020

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Sunday, 08/11/2024 8:01:43 PM

Sunday, August 11, 2024 8:01:43 PM

Post# of 51669
No comment on the new Markowski and Shawn Leon show? About 4:40 they talk about getting it up-listed as soon as possible a cash dividend for common shares equal to 8% of EBITDA but pretty wishy washy about what exchange they intend to pursue so it looks like Shawn Leon doesn't have a plan. They get back to talking about the NYSE later.

I have only taken the time to watch half of this and my notes are below. We learn that the Kentucky operations are Medicaid facilities whereas the Florida facilities are normal in network insurance type of operations. Markowski throws out that the offering will be a regulation 506, this is a regulation "D" offering whos shares will go restricted for six months. They can't get subscribers for the current qualified regulation "A" offering whos shares are immediately tradable. But the reg "A" isn't viable even after a reverse split because this story isn't generating the retail interest to move that paper. So now they plan a regulation "D" offering? These guys simply aren't credible. The old story of Junes regulation "A" offering was bad mojo from what I see and they are trying to change the narrative. This podcast is dated August 6th so you can see that retail hasn't been taking the bait. Could be a combination of a bad market and smarter OTC retail these days. Few are buying what these guys are selling.

Ethema Interview MOTM Aug 06 2024

@ about 3:00 says these facilities are about 40% capacity and up to 600 beds.
medicaid facilities in Kentucky. Florida is in network beds.

about 5:50 in Markowski starts talking about the new narrative of 8% of EBITDA as a dividend for the common. Throws up the chart and gives his projections. 🙄

Around 7:20 Markowski starts to talk about how impressive this is for a sub penny stock then catches himself when he realizes that it will not be sub penny with an up-list effort. Yet at about 8:00 in he still continues to throw up a chart based on a sub penny scenario when talking about a dividend. Even at this point he is
talking about his "price limit" at $0.001. He is so impressed with what Ethema Health is doing with thd new acquisitions that he sets a current limit @ $0.001. He tripped all over his own narrative you can see the half baked thoughts roll out in real time.

At 9:00 in they start talking about the up-listing. Markowski claims that they don't need the money because the operations are creating EBITDA. 🙄
Again a stupid statement. That Ethema Health is going to do a $3 million preferred stock offering, earns 9% a year, convertible @ $0.0025 Regulation 506 offering. At this point again, he doesn't know which exchange. Bottom line is that it isn't happening. During the conversation Markowski is updating the power point as they are speaking. Half baked ideas that are fluid even as they pitch the ideas. Listen to the presentation and it looks like they are preparing for the podcast, not actually putting it on. wow. 🙄

About 11:20 in Shawn Leon starts talking about a forced conversion for the offering and will need a strike price of 50% above for this to be triggered.
What the he77 is a forced conversion feature? At this point the company has their money now you force the holder to sell?

At about 12:00 in Markowski refferres to previous podcasts where Shawn Leon was pitching the regulation "A" offering at $0.0012. The new narrative looks like a head fake to be as a distraction from the regulation "A" offering. Markowski says now the offering is at $0.0025 which is great news for those holding the stock right now. This represents less dilution so higher price.

12:40 Markowski begins his Arcadia comparison again.13:30 Markowskis says Ethema Health bought the Kentucky operations. Acadia trading at 10X market or $6.64 billion. Shawn Begins to talk about new price targets of 3000 beds. Talks about facilities he has been talking to the past ten years. Now Shawn says at 3000 that Acadia has around 12000 beds so Ethema will be a quarter of the size of Acadia. Claims to be be trying to blow it out of proportion, but he is right? Shawn says it will be significant, and having a dividend paying company on the New York Stock Exchange is going to be "great for everybody" Whoo Hooo!!! gotta get some of tis now! 😆

Markowski has a very close friend he has known for 40, 50, 51 years can't seem to make up his mind... who is in the business of introducing small companies to institutional investors. Markowski has already talked to this person and is interested in Shawn Leon becoming a client. Talks about this divided policy attracting these institutional investors. So Shawn Leon has been looking for new investors since January and now Markowski claims he knows a guy. 🙄

Can't wait to watch the rest of the show. 😆


Everything that I post is just my informed opinion and is simply an invitation to debate. Trade on your own due diligence please..

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