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Alias Born 01/06/2004

Re: None

Wednesday, 07/24/2024 5:25:54 AM

Wednesday, July 24, 2024 5:25:54 AM

Post# of 10103
GOOG was looking to buy WIZ...internet/cloud security systems for $23 Billion...

but deal Not to be consummated...

Anyone think Lumen's Black Lotus security systems has any value to a large company such as GOOG or MSFT...???

I don't know, but they could get the whole LUMN Company for $23 Billion...ya think?

Vertical Intergration providing a conduit to many levels/types of well as the Security systems...

Am I just a dreamer...??...or could such companies buy up all the (heavily Discounted) Lumen Debt on the up as many millions of shares of common stock as available in the market...Then acquire the balance of the Company...???...Then refinance any remaining debt at a lower rate...making the business Profitable...???

The debt would go to full value...The shares owned would the expense of 140,000,000 shorteds...and

everybody is Happy...!!?

(well, not Everybody)

Kate Johnson worked for Microsoft...a competitor to hmmmmmm...makes me wonder...

A bidding war for LUMEN would be delightful


just dreamin, probly...(I own LUMN shares)
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