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Re: declaes post# 50637

Friday, 07/19/2024 9:09:30 AM

Friday, July 19, 2024 9:09:30 AM

Post# of 51669
Yes, everyone should watch the podcast. 😆 Ethema Health is essentially taking over the management of the Kentucky properties and the owners appear to be financing. So these operations are likely losers but the advantage Shawn Leon and Ethema Health has is the ability to backstop losses with Ethema Health fund raising through share sales. Ethema Health (GRST) has always been the losing financier of operations that are held by American Treatment Holdings, Inc (ATHI) who has a share structure of its own. Debt is secured by the clean operations and it works as long as Ethema Helath (GRST) retail steps up and funds the scheme.

Go to 11:20 into the podcast where Shawn Leon starts talking about the use of proceeds from the offering. We see $500K to support the operations at Boca and another $1 million to support the operations in Kentucky. He goes on to talk about the new convertible preferred shares that he claims he will be selling to investors. I do not see any real investors buying preferred shares of this scheme and they never have before. What I see is that new bucket of preferred shares is to convert the balance of the $7+ million of so called "friendly" debt Shawn Leon talked about back in the January podcast. That video link and commentary is in post# 50563 linked below.

Time line? He has a nasty note as part of the bridge loans coming due on November 15th that if it goes into default they holder is entitled to convert the $600K into 25% of shares held by American Treatment Holdings, Inc (ATHI). Unless this is more friendly debt, this one could break it off in Shawn Leon's... SO, he has a lot to do in the interim. Stock consolidation to support the minimum up-list, Shawn's words, $3. If you want to meet the minimum while converting an offering you will need to be much higher. The offering will need to be amended no matter because of the activity of the past year and with what Shawn Leon says in this podcast that the offering price is going higher. Then he needs to convert that offering which means he must convince subscribers that they can effectively dump that on retail at a meaningful level. The ability to con retail into buying is is key and the purpose of this hasty acquisition and promotional activity. You have a hard time convincing retail to buy into a debt story so Shawn is desperately trying to make it a growth story. Will it work? This is fun to watch! big smile

Re: None
Sunday, July 14, 2024 4:19:03 PM
Post# 50563 of 50638

If you take $2,660,190 in related party [payables to the Leons, page 19 of the Q1 2024 filings. the $4,276,463 in series "N" notes with their new maturity date of December 31st, plus the $420,000 management fees that Shawn Leon is now claiming after saying they were forfeited in each filing for years. We get a total of $7,356,653.

Shawn Leon July 18 podcast


Everything that I post is just my informed opinion and is simply an invitation to debate. Trade on your own due diligence please..

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