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Re: Dickmo post# 3724

Friday, 07/05/2024 10:29:10 AM

Friday, July 05, 2024 10:29:10 AM

Post# of 3817
Yes, this new interview with AVRW CEO Nancy Duitch clearly illustrates her strengths and experience in developing an emerging business. With Nancy's leadership and the proven value in the Avenir Wellness product line, AVRW should have prosperous future ahead.
Nancy Duitch serves as the CEO of Avenir Wellness Solutions. With over three decades of experience in the consumer products sector, Nancy has cultivated a diverse array of businesses, guiding them from inception to the public market. Her expertise extends to orchestrating cutting-edge marketing and branding initiatives, resulting in a staggering $3 billion in revenue for esteemed brands. From her early years, Nancy exhibited a clear vision and pursued it with determination.