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Alias Born 04/17/2006

Re: clobal post# 1489

Friday, 06/28/2024 1:30:59 PM

Friday, June 28, 2024 1:30:59 PM

Post# of 1523
E vehicles are the way to go, regardless of global warming. U get break horsepower at 0 RPMs. Most efficient engine out there with lots of torque. I would luv to see a small hybrid diesel, maybe 25hp, that runs at idle speeds, barely sipping fuel, and charging batts as u go. Using plug in at the end of the trip or maybe once. Batteries need to improve, I don’t know what happened to vanadium, but that would give a 2 type battery vehicle energy and power options as needed. Been watching it for decades. I know exactly what it needs, and know the technology as well as anyone. Batt tech is almost there.
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