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Alias Born 10/07/2010

Re: None

Thursday, 06/27/2024 7:09:02 PM

Thursday, June 27, 2024 7:09:02 PM

Post# of 6800
Friends, I summarized below of the PDF document the AB Data team shared with me ( - “The Individual Defendants Plan of Allocation” that describes the Court-Approved plan of allocation understanding your payment in a greater detail.

This PDF narrates the plan of allocation of the funds $11.95m after deducting the court-approved attorney fees and expenses.

The summary covers Aegean Common Stocks alone and it discusses the formula to arrive at the Recognized Loss Amount (RLA)

1) You should have purchased Aegean Common Stocks between 02/27/2014 and 11/5/2018 (both dates inclusive) and should have suffered a loss, meaning your purchase price should be in excess of $0.12 per share

2) If you sold your shares prior to 12/14/2016, the RLA is $0

3) If you sold between 12/14/2016 and 6/11/2018, the RLA will be lesser of the two i) the purchase price multiplied by the corresponding inflation rate (see table1) less sale price multiplied by the inflation rate at the time of sale or ii) the purchase price minus the sale price

4) If you sold between 11/7/2018 and 2/4/2019, the RLA will be the least of i) the purchase price multiplied by the corresponding inflation rate in Table 1 or ii) the purchase price minus the sale price; or iii) the purchase price minus the average closing price between 11/7/2018 and the date of sale given in the Table 2

5) You held as of the close of 2/4/2019 or sold thereafter, the RLA will be the lesser of i) purchase price multiplied by the corresponding inflation rate at the time of purchase (see Table 1) or ii) the difference between the purchase price and $0.04 per share

6) Per the court approved plans of allocation, if the market loss of a claim is negative (less than 0), the RLA of that claim will be changed to 0

7) All shares held as of the closing of the Class Period are ascribed a value of $0.12. Please note, the difference between the purchase price and $0.12 should not be a negative value, meaning your purchase price should be greater than $0.12. If the purchase price is less than $0.12, the difference will be a negative value and therefore RLA will be 0 for your claim

I hope this summary helps. This summary is prepared after reading through 14 pages of the PDF “The Individual Defendants Plan of Allocation”

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