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Alias Born 07/07/2006

Re: Bob Mullet post# 278080

Wednesday, 06/19/2024 3:26:06 AM

Wednesday, June 19, 2024 3:26:06 AM

Post# of 281698
"To value kblb, with Zero product, revenue, profits"

did you think i was valuing kblb at 25 bucks per the hell is wrong with you?...i was saying in the future $25 per share is a dream of mine....and of course, that would be AFTER mass production, revenue and profits....SMGDH...its like im talking to a child...

and kblb at $25 per share would make it a market cap of $25 bil....

GSK market cap is $83 bil, HON is $138 bil and ABT is $180 what way is kblb being valued with those companies??...even at $25 bil?...again, childish nonsense...

what you have actually managed to do is make a succesful kblb look dirt cheap at $25 bil compared to others....and you have a point...i think ill raise my target to $75 per share...
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