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Re: Kingpin2 post# 3692

Thursday, 06/13/2024 11:57:29 AM

Thursday, June 13, 2024 11:57:29 AM

Post# of 3813
The problem with that KP2, RD and Cure Pharma probably aren't generating any sales.
They bought out SeraLabs for 11MM through Nancy Duitch just to show some revenue
generation - which really wasn't quite enough to even cover the debt. He thought that
magically they were going to get both CBD/Cannabis and Magic Mushroom products
generated - but - they didn't get a damn thing done except trigger the A & B Notes from
Ionic by lack of payments to IONIC - the rest is history. Defaulted Debt,
then somehow (through a foreign entity) it appears that RD and ND made a deal for some
reported 20MM for TF Tech Ventures to buy the manufacturing assets and certain key
patents. The BIG still unknown is how Avenir/Cure owed TF Tech Ventures 4.15MM before
that deal was even consummated
. The entire mess is ONE MASSIVE STINKING "AFFAIR".

I know you have read all of my past posts and understand that something "VERY STRANGE"
transpired with the marriage of the two companies and subsequent payments, and then
Avenir actually being saddled with the IONIC DEBT. RD is actually free from that but Avenir
didn't pay ANY of the IONIC debt off - thus the litigation.

Anyhow - I wouldn't hold my breath for RD to pay Avenir the balance as his foreign funds probably
dried up, and it is doubtful that the "Mexican" business for the "BLUE BONER STRIPS" is
generating any revenue especially since there are PLENTY OF GENERIC BONER pills available
on the CHEAP these days.

It would be very interesting to see if Avenir is still having Cure manufacture any of the products.....
that Avenir/SeraLabs is selling.

I'm still saying there is a HUGE LACK OF TRANSPARENCY

Sticking with BANKRUPTCY here without a MIRACLE.