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Re: trefontane post# 3076

Saturday, 06/01/2024 10:16:19 PM

Saturday, June 01, 2024 10:16:19 PM

Post# of 3290
The way I've been seeing it. AESO is like a safety net.
Recruiter is going down a new path in this AI sector of Human Resources. It might fail?
No one knows.
So move proven Recruiter assests into a separate shell and allow it to run as it has over the past decade.
The new Recruiter crashes and burn, insiders still have their core business to fall back on in Congo group/AESO

Recruiter goes Ch13, Congo group continues to truck on under a buisness plan that is proven. Recruiter retains certain Legacy debt leaving Congo group as debt free as possible.
So what if a handful on stinknpink shell players make a little bank on it.