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Re: Sheepdog post# 27289

Wednesday, 05/29/2024 1:45:18 PM

Wednesday, May 29, 2024 1:45:18 PM

Post# of 27381
True. I haven't looked but I'd be surprised if Cutcher doesn't have a stake in GTLL with preferred shares. So, it's rather odd to me that he'd be buying such small amounts the way he is. I don't think anyone needs to buy at $.0004. Besides, I'm still waiting to see if they do a R/S or increase the A/S.

His buying may be his way of telling the public that it won't be a R/S. But can anyone really trust an OTC CEO? 🤔

You can lead a horse to water. But you can't make him get down on one knee and do an Al Jolson impression!

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