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Re: marvin01 post# 8443

Friday, 01/19/2024 10:19:35 AM

Friday, January 19, 2024 10:19:35 AM

Post# of 8476
If you go back in time when CLNE was first formed you'll understand how Ev's played a major force in Cleans history.

T Boone and Littlefair formed CLNE to compete in the world of transportation to become independent of middle eastern oil.

T Boone actually drove a natgas powered Honda. Their main focus was in trucking, buses, and refuse vehicles. Class 6 thru 8 trucks.

Excellent idea considering this country has well over a 100 year supply of this fuel. Enter companies like Proterra. Ev bus maker that got a 800 million
dollar loan from uncle sam and last year declared bankrupt. Many of their buses didn't work out as expected. Also a number of EV class 8 trucks
Trying to compete with diesel and Natgas. Tesla and others. All being hyped as being the next best alternative. Not working out very well. Batteries loosing half their charge in zero temps. Much more costly. Not to mention once again becoming dependent on foreign countries for the raw material. CHINA!!

Today there are many more NatGas vehicles operating than what we all are aware. WM, UPS, Walmart, and many others to name a few.

I could keep going but this should give you enough information to realize how Ev's play a role.

Bottom line. At what point does Clean become a profitable endeavor? Under $3 natgas doesn't help.
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