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Re: I-Glow post# 203871

Saturday, 01/13/2024 2:45:47 PM

Saturday, January 13, 2024 2:45:47 PM

Post# of 203917

Why don't you file for Custodianship of OWCP and find a real company to merge with OWCP?

Why would anyone do that... when there is an $8 million dollar judgement against this very shell?

It doesn't go away if someone decides to take custodianship of it and merge another company. That's the first step in acquiring a shell/merging a company with a shell. It's due diligence of lawsuits/financial judgements against it.

The shell is tainted. It will either be bought by Kirkland, forfeited in an asset seizure down the road or at the very least be bought by someone who is linked with Kirkland.