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Alias Born 04/04/2019

Re: None

Monday, 12/04/2023 3:46:05 PM

Monday, December 04, 2023 3:46:05 PM

Post# of 8476
I appreciate your optimism but this engine story is a retread! There was a company in early 2000 that Clean Energy was associated with, that converted engines from diesel to natural gas and here were are twenty years later with a similar scenario! Big Oil has been willing to lend money to this company but not interested in making it a part of their portfolio. The stock has been low enough that an acquisition could have been done for little to nothing! Clearly players in the industry don't see much value in the business plan or its leaders! This company has been unprofitable(without government welfare) for decades at what point do investor see a profit? Chesapeake Energy and Clean Energy was once looked at in a similar manner and today Chesapeake stock is over $78.
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