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Alias Born 04/05/2009

Re: Enterprising Investor post# 80

Thursday, 11/23/2023 12:20:33 PM

Thursday, November 23, 2023 12:20:33 PM

Post# of 83
Net assets in liquidation increased by $4.6 million during the three months ended September 30, 2023. The increase was primarily due to a net increase of $4.3 million in the estimated liquidation value of the Company’s investment in Worldwide Plaza primarily resulting from an increase in estimated distributions from working capital and property operations and a $0.3 million net increase due to a remeasurement of estimated receipts and costs primarily related to an increase of estimated interest income.

"Someone said it takes 30 years to be an instant success" - Gabriel Barbier-Mueller, Founder and CEO of Harwood International

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