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Alias Born 03/22/2005

Re: wow_happens28 post# 645

Tuesday, 11/07/2023 5:24:56 PM

Tuesday, November 07, 2023 5:24:56 PM

Post# of 660
>> crooks to get their sales. puts and naked shorts in place.<<

I couldn't respond on the Awesome stocks board (still limited to 1 post / day there), but I wonder about this rally too, ie - it being a chance for the big money crooks (Blackrock, etc) to get out prior to a big market flush.

Fwiw, I'm using the current strength to take some profits and reduce my already meager stock exposure down from 15% to 12%. Nice to see the stocks going up, but it sure has a 'rigged' feeling to it, considering the deteriorating geopolitical situation. But.. 'don't worry / be happy' seems to be the current vibe, even if it only lasts a few weeks..

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