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Re: RAF2018 post# 137960

Wednesday, 04/05/2023 11:14:05 PM

Wednesday, April 05, 2023 11:14:05 PM

Post# of 138022
Johnny should start to think and listen if he wants to continue on just making money off of shareholders.

Some things of note he has done to make Viva sound good was to pretend he was going to get Vivalivetv cards for sale in the department stores, get his own commercials on Viva from advertisers, go into a partnership with Comcast, get a patent on what Tikilive created, and get .50 each from all the Nigerian partner sales of Viva.

The problem is all of the made up stuff is copycat instead of being creative and this is why Johnny should talk about creating a Viva Box stand with Viva logo that sits outside of all the shopping stores next to Red Box so people can buy a day pass to Viva for $2 instead of renting a movie DVD that has to be returned.

In the marketing material it can show how the savings on gas and late fees will be worth it as well as showing the cost savings per year to choose the $34.95 monthly plan instead of $60 for paying by the day.