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Alias Born 08/08/2017

Re: None

Monday, 04/03/2023 10:41:01 PM

Monday, April 03, 2023 10:41:01 PM

Post# of 138022
It's been some time now since Johnny told the complaining investor to hang tight with his shares on Twitter that he had bought for .0057 or .0058, before the RS.

I think Johnny should not tell individuals to hold tight but could Tweet as a news update to hang tight for the great news that is still coming soon. Yes, there are vague terms but I'm not certain about the word soon even myself.

Johnny could just start talking about business related ideas again and reiterate that failure is not an option.

If I take a chance and say there will not be any great news tomorrow, it could just happen that I get shown up and taught as well as finding something out while learning a lesson that Johnny is not playing with the marketing and sales of his stuff.