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Alias Born 08/08/2017

Re: None

Monday, 04/03/2023 3:39:10 AM

Monday, April 03, 2023 3:39:10 AM

Post# of 138022
I don't know if people took any notice or not over the latest years as it seems to appear that OTTV has been some kind of stock simulation.

As we know Johnny going to have the NASDAQ sign 6 Years ago which made it easy for patience that would definitely come by 2020. Then there was some pandemic that affected Johnny even though it caused other stay at home customer models to thrive. When the Peloton bike craze happened Johnny was kind of crazy man to buy his own bike instead of marketing some Viva.

Anyway with a Viva relaunch and a few years of starting over patience maybe NASDAQ is around the corner.

If buying major jackpot lotto tickets for 5 drawings a week is only $15 that can be very fun because if we win we can buy the OTTV stock after shorts hit it so they will lose all they have and Johnny keeps the capital coming to pay for the meetings.

So we learn to give Johnny a chance. I would give it 20 years from 2017 for the business to age and to see what Johnny has for customers down the line.