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Alias Born 08/08/2017

Re: None

Sunday, 04/02/2023 9:59:41 PM

Sunday, April 02, 2023 9:59:41 PM

Post# of 138022
Tomorrow is another that we never know yet as it might do the typical or it might do the other certain thing where some people start liking it and then it goes up some before back down.

With proper Tweets Johnny can find some from the new land that we are in now to believe and be motivated about what he is going to do.

I know as the rest that the product had a launch already after the pre-launch in 2017 but it doesn't matter in these new days Johnny can hype it up as a product relaunch by doing something as simple as a new commercial for the billboard. These are now the days where a professional looking commercial can look good with simple consumer software and a very nice one without 80s looking writing at the bottom, like before, on Times Square featuring Soleil could be the basis of Vivalivetv relaunch to attract investor' attention that think somebody else will buy it.