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Re: simon_641 post# 5412

Sunday, 03/05/2023 11:37:01 PM

Sunday, March 05, 2023 11:37:01 PM

Post# of 5439
Trying not to bag on daybreak - I do believe that they can still execute here for shareholders.

But the State of CA is no longer a friendly state for O & G- back 20,30,40, 50,60 + years ago, back then, that was not the case. You know writing is on wall when you see 2 big majors dumping AERA.

It’s just after over 10 + years there has been misfires and as a shareholder I have to move on if they don’t start increasing value here to public shareholders. There isn’t any benefit to continue to hold this - without getting any return of PPS appreciation or dividends.

I truly really want them to make it- same as first day I found it. But...the rare blue moon PR’s and lack of opportunity in PPS appreciation is coming to an end potentially for myself.

I am a patient investor - but it’s imo - not in my best interests financially if nothing comes of this. I hope it does! But, I have only myself to blame for investing in this company. It won’t be their fault - but mine - if by end of 23’ this hasn’t executed and I’m still here. We all make investing decisions and I own my own failures when I invest incorrectly.

I was always a fan of this story here and believed in what their trying to do here. The new geo acquisition was a good move. However- doesn’t mean anything to me as a public shareholder point of view if we don’t make money either.

For me, this isn’t a RUDY type of story here. It’s never been emotional. I just thought it had opportunities to go somewhere in the past. So much time has gone by here. It still does have opportunities to make it - but that’s something they have to do execute as a Corp - not us as shareholders. But EOY- I think that’s ok to give them more time to secure permits and drill.

If not - it’s finally bon voyage on the SS Daybreak for myself and I’ll be out by EOY 23’ sadly I might add.
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