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Re: tigerpac post# 839

Friday, 02/17/2023 7:24:10 AM

Friday, February 17, 2023 7:24:10 AM

Post# of 879
They are already off the Grey Sheets.

After the suspension, the SEC investigated and did not recommend any enforcement action, thus the company was able to get a market maker to file a new Form 211( Glendale Securities I believe), a monumental process, so the stock could resume quotation via the OTC Pink Tier.

The new Form 211 was cleared by FINRA and they became 'proprietary quote eligible' on Feb 6th, you can not get PQE without a Form 211.

So in other words, they have gotten to a point very few in OTC history have been able to, out of the many thousands of suspended companies....and the majority of those had been suspended due to delinquent filings.

They still need to get the CE removed, this can take some more time, there is not much precedent to go by historically but could take 6 months or more. Then they can resubmit the name change to FINRA and try and get it changed to Pineapple Inc officially.

No doubt its been a long road for the shareholders but they could have easily given up, as 99.9% of other suspended companies do, instead there is now a chance at an exit in sight for those shareholders.