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Alias Born 08/20/2022

Re: dalesio_98 post# 131912

Saturday, 12/03/2022 5:42:14 AM

Saturday, December 03, 2022 5:42:14 AM

Post# of 148365
So your point is Deloitte made sure the trading of XEBEQ shares were suspended on Nov 14 2022 prior to the bid submission deadline on Jan 6 2023?

Or is your point Deloitte made sure the trading of XEBEQ shares were suspended on Nov 14 2022, 3 days after the LOI deadline on Nov 11 2022?

Is there anything comparable or relevant to PWC leaking & revealing the sealed bidders' names prior to the bid submission deadline, or allowing Bioamber's shares to trade for 13+ months after Visolis & LCY were declared the purchasers?
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