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Re: jjwood post# 5385

Thursday, 12/01/2022 6:10:54 PM

Thursday, December 01, 2022 6:10:54 PM

Post# of 5439
Smart on Ibonds- I’ve had them in port for awhile and added more recently - yeah sad unfortunate situation here.

It is what it is. The dilution is possibly going to move it down. Your a good person perhaps some day we’ll talk off line.

I’ve seen numerous tiny shells go the dilution route and as any public shareholder, nobody imo really can do anything about it - except decide to avoid, dump or buy.

It didn’t surprise me completely - I figured eventually there was possibility they could.

Who knows what their up to and if public shareholders are going to realize any gains here.

I’d like to think somewhere out there, that good positive Corp releases will someday come out and the stock turns green, with positive successful new wells drilled and who knows maybe PPS rises by drill bit. I just don’t know how that can occur now with the huge dilution. Not saying it’s not impossible - we just don’t know.

I avoided all crypto or Bitcoin - LOL- no thanks as well.

Sometimes-if a public shareholder if they have really a little capital and strong interest in a stock - or more important a biz sector and no frills tude- there are always opps to start their own small corporations and if possible buy their own shell or create one- and do what most tiny companies do - dilute their shares or choose not to and tax the breaks come with it.

Or don’t buy a shell at all- stay private.

I’ve always scanned for diff biz opportunities, outside of buying companies public stock. Basically control my own destiny.

Daybreak had potential maybe - still may have. But imo, I’d rather buy my own oil/gas leases and reap the benefits myself. Sure it’s risky- but at least a person can control it themselves and decisions have to be made. It’s like that in any biz.

I still hope they get it together someday here. I mean they have capital again, and if they pop a well decent size well with good flow- then do a 2nd and 3rd whose to say what can or not occur with this little company, as always anything is possible.

No doubt Jim stuck with this and maybe there’s something -someday- that still could be some good coming out of this haze after all these years and ashes.

If they do drill some pretty good wells and over this next 4 quarters - reduce their fiscal debt servicing with positive cash - anything is still possible - who knows including maybe other potential new acquisitions regionally.

I’m not ruling anything out here. I’m just not paying anything near what trades at. That’s if decide to even go that route.

But it would be a curve ball, if they shocked everyone and all of a sudden things start going right direction. I’m going to stick around until I see what they do with this round of capital. After that- if nothing occurs- next year- I’ll exit.
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