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Alias Born 03/30/2011

Re: None

Monday, 09/27/2021 12:49:02 PM

Monday, September 27, 2021 12:49:02 PM

Post# of 657
My scenario: Per the company announcement they intend to have some news about E7777 in the 4th quarter. I expect that news will be followed by selling shares to finance E7777 because they cannot take the risk that Mino Lok will not pass (GOD FORBID) FDA and they will be left really short to finance phase 3 for E7777. I expect CTXR TO CREEP UP TOWARDS 3 BY NOVEMBER/DECEMBER and that is why they will be able to sell shares in the 2.50 price range. With the holidays in November at December I do not expect any FDA news before January at the earliest.

Does someone have a different scenario?

BTW I own SENS and they are expecting FDA approval for their sensor this month and no news yet. That is why I base my January scenario on CTXR.
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