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Alias Born 02/21/2013

Re: slayer70 post# 3083

Monday, 08/09/2021 10:22:53 AM

Monday, August 09, 2021 10:22:53 AM

Post# of 3113
Just to give you a heads-up

I've had with this POS.

Can't take anymore. No more.

Down over 88% almost $8k You can't win them all

I got about $1k left that I can put to better use somewhere else.

Like the Old Philosopher Dirty Harry Callahan says, "A man's got to know his limitations."

Should have listened to Harry years ago. smile

GLTY Slayer.

Hero Worship Inhibits Free Thinking -- Don't Drink The Kool-Aid
. . . . . . . . and of course Reverse Splits SUCK!!!!!

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