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Alias Born 09/10/2015

Re: happyglass post# 462

Wednesday, 11/11/2020 5:49:06 PM

Wednesday, November 11, 2020 5:49:06 PM

Post# of 500
I am very happy with how Tinley is doing. It has taken awhile but I sense we are close to lifechanging because it is our time. I've been in since .035 when I called my online to get them to list Tinley so I could buy some. I have liked the story, had several conversations with Jeff along the way and have total trust that he has investors first. Not easy building a company while they are writing the rules. We have navigated some pitfalls but I've got to say that we are looking pretty good right now. I daresay that we are on the verge of profitability and that gets investor's attention. Lots of eyes on Canopy and their beverage biz and their intentions of getting them to the States. Tinley is already there in California and coming to Canada soon. Maybe on shelves in Canada for Xmas. The profit potential will drive the sp up and also open the eyes of potential suitors. I do want to see us get some sp appreciation before they come a-calling. glty and dyodd