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Alias Born 06/01/2016

Re: None

Tuesday, 04/21/2020 2:32:55 PM

Tuesday, April 21, 2020 2:32:55 PM

Post# of 19879 is now
I called the number on the website under contact,(877)850-9466.
I got a female recording on the line saying "Please hold on, we'll be with you shortly" But it kept looping back and repeating.
So, I found this other number under Pricing,(888)779-6067
A live person actually answered the phone!!!
So,he answered the phone his is Web Ad Blocker.
I asked him is this the Voosh Performance software and he said "yes, we've been selling it for six months".
So, he transferred me over to a different representative because I'm asking him questions about Ambicom.
So, I'm transferred over to technical support, that person answered the phone like this "Hello Defender" something, something". I'm not sure what he said.
So, it seems that Vooshaco is now Vooshperformance being licensed as Web Ad Blocker and Defender. Either at 2 companies or 1 company with 2 products.
How this helps investors at Ambicom???
I'm not sure???
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