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Re: BottomBounce post# 32113

Saturday, 04/27/2019 3:02:02 AM

Saturday, April 27, 2019 3:02:02 AM

Post# of 36667
been seeing on tv that silver has hit bottom since June of last year
Ready to double while steadily falling in price
Silver Prices in June went from 17.50 down to 14.00 and bounced
We need to see a good base set in for a substantial rise in prices
IMF has warned of global slowdown in world growth for 2019
Not good for silver demand
Venezuela dumped massive Gold supplies to pay debts
China has several hurdles to overcome
they are having to prop up the slowing down of their economy
Building of their military is taking a toll on their economy from what have read
The battle over trade war with US

Venezuela economy bottoming out is a world challenge
The US economy appears to be doing well
We haven’t heard much out of the European monetary situation
Greece and several other European countries were on the monetary brink of disaster
Greece faced default back in 2015 and still having troubles
Italy is back having financial difficulties
Collapse of Italy banking system is possible
Germany is have economic troubles
The US is headed to a state of protectionism
Short term is good for us...long term is questionable
Several things pointing to economic slowdown
How does this affect silver unlike gold
Shall see


which ever way the HERD goes....GO the other way

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