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Alias Born 07/14/2013

Re: MADDSTACKER post# 5618

Tuesday, 08/14/2018 6:31:38 PM

Tuesday, August 14, 2018 6:31:38 PM

Post# of 8112
Its not me who says they are underperforming, its the company:

LAS VEGAS, Oct. 23, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- GB Sciences, Inc. (otcqb:GBLX) projects sales of $500,000 in October and continued sales of at least $500,000 per month over the next three months. GB Sciences recorded unaudited sales of approximately $320,000 in the three months ended 9/30/17

The company is operating at 200 grow lights, which is only 30% of its expected final capacity after build out is completed. After the final build out, cultivation revenues will continue to increase with a target flower capacity of $18Million annually. The company is expected to open its production facility in late November or early December of 2017. This operating unit should generate additional significant free cash flow from oil over 2018 at a steadily accelerating pace.
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