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Alias Born 12/15/2005

Re: None

Sunday, 10/08/2006 6:31:53 AM

Sunday, October 08, 2006 6:31:53 AM

Post# of 213057
Thanks Iron Maiden.

Nice to BE back.


Thanks again. And congrats again. And re that green, you’re welcome. Instant return, or close thereto, is most definitely unparalleled in pleasantness. I know the feeling well. And do continue watching. For as was said, there’s more on the horizon for MRDAF. Inclusive of things definitive. So do keep it on that watchlist.

And as for our budding empire? Our nationwide and more, media and more one? Well an ROI from .0001 holds the greatest potential. And no reverse is the reality. And were we to close re those mentioned definitive agreements re Summus center Colorado, and close from there, we’d have indeed, that which is sorely needed. That which ends things ‘temporary’ and provides us a new base of operations. Not to mention reduces cash outlay. We need that first piece of real estate to no small degree. And, of course, relative to same, management presses on with the negotiations we know about. Attempting to leverage the situation via that mentioned ‘ad-exchange’ deal as opposed to upfront cash cost, as is typical. And then, of course, we need consider the possibility that time may be growing short, for a variety of reasons, and that there IS intent to apply cash. The cash - in part - being raised as of this writing courtesy of leveraging management’s personal holdings/assets. Summus center number one could very well be a part of what same is all about. For indeed, firmly establishing new HQ IS a major consideration for us. VERY major. We NEED a left side walk-in presence of the impressive and such variety and all else new HQ does equate to. And the cash again being raised? Well we’ve done some of the math. Looked at some of the numbers re a massive buyback. Discussed what’s most important. And WILL cash enough be raised? For BOTH, that is, a massive buyback and the closings, etc? Re, that is, things currently outstanding and pending on the M&A front and things organic and such? Well, here again it is…

"Opportunities for strategic partnerships, mergers and acquisitions, and avenues for subsidiary expansion continue to develop. Consequently, we have resolved to continue to maximize the use of personal assets and real estate holdings to secure cost effective financing and execute our plan for growth"

And also…

‘The Board agreed that its efforts to effect the rise in the price per share necessary to facilitate pending and future mergers and acquisitions is best complemented by the use of personal assets and real estate holdings to secure financing specific to Company and subsidiary growth.’



‘Members echoed the belief that the Company's price per share does not accurately reflect the value and prospects of the Company and its subsidiaries, despite marked progress to this end and an increased average achieved at the end of July.’

And, so, a turning once again is what we very seemingly do have. And despite the stated ‘marked progress’. Cash raising potential being seemingly limited and so a ‘complementary’ approach. Numerator AND denominator. Value/valuation. And if we are going to secure, for example, Skiershop via the obviously needed cash, as per Bobbie’s comments, and go from there re the balance of currently outstanding and pending such and other mentioned such? And HOW much cash are we talking about re a massive buyback? And, so, no. It just and simply doesn’t add up. Doesn’t fit. And while we can’t say with absolute certainty that the mentioned 20% proposal IS a no-go, we can certainly reason, as we have, that there’s just not going to result, from the referenced financing/funding initiative, cash enough for BOTH said 20% AND all things ‘complementary’. And, so, no indeed. What’s reasonable and logical is that management/our BoD has decided to add to what’s ALREADY been accomplished, re the market level direct approach, the again ‘complementary’. Have decided to apply limited resources toward, as stated, value/valuation with the obvious consideration being that in so doing, we will, in concert with the again more direct effort TO DATE, achieve not only our pps appreciation goal but that which such an approach (value/valuation) directly brings to our again budding empire, both fundamentally and operationally, in and of itself. And, again, we’ve discussed such previously. The understandable reasoning. And as also earlier referenced we do have Dan via webcast and that again … “That’s our plan.” … comment of his. That, pps appreciation, that is, WILL be achieved via the closing indeed of outstanding and pending M&A deals and so on. Again value/valuation. And let’s also consider that Nicholas is a BoD member for us, and that he’s a very well-experienced businessman having built successfully a once private company turned public subsidiary. And when those mentioned BoD meetings ARE convened, you can bet that Nicholas holds sway. That his input is highly valued. And so, again, it’s understandable the mentioned turn. Away from the proposed 20% toward value/valuation. Raising the needed cash the only cost-effective way, currently available to us in light of overall company debt load to date, and getting closed what we need to get closed in order to move on in the ways desired and more. Inclusive of, certainly, stable in some form pps appreciation. Tangible shareholder value.

And additionally certainly, there WILL be those among us thinking that… what if we do close, as talked about, but no pps appreciation? That we do own Skiershop and secure that ‘bigger company’ and REN/Steamboat-17 and so on and there IS no market level effect. And, additionally, no more a need of said appreciation because we’ve applied cash in getting once-related things done. The pps appreciation motivation being no more. And what indeed then? Because, certainly, the pps appreciation need, as it currently stands, relates indeed to closing the Skiershop deal and LOI’ing and such with that ‘bigger company’ and so on, as we’ve been told. And if that motivation IS removed via the application of cash? Well what indeed then? And, so, a possible ugly market level end, indeed? Well, there are in fact several considerations, with the most glaring of same being that as we stand currently, we have…

‘Members echoed the belief that the Company's price per share does not accurately reflect the value and prospects of the Company and its subsidiaries’

And following what said cash will yield for us overall again, both fundamentally and operationally, we’re talking, at current trading levels, even greater undervaluation. FAR greater. And a situation, certainly again, that management wouldn’t be even remotely tolerant of and for obvious reasons. And, secondly, we have the push currently re tangible shareholder value. A goal, management has firmly stated, they’re extremely insistent about. Inclusive of the squeeze play angle. The NOBO/OBO math and coming dividend and the strong hands initiative and so on. And, thirdly, we have premium-priced stock issuances to consider, with folks such as Nicholas holding same. And Dan and the rest, obviously. And Jim and so on. And Bobbie also. And, so, folks with much at stake for sure re ongoing pps stagnation. And, certainly, far more than any of us being in at .0001 and/or .0002. And understandable, it is, why no reverse, of course. And, so, premium-priced holdings and the stock being one-side quoted. And painful indeed enough, for the .0001 and/or .0002 holders, but for the premium-priced such? The up to .0005 holders? Well it’s understandable, isn’t it? Why, that is, the willingness to make personal sacrifices such as leveraging personal holdings/assets and canceling personal stock holdings and such. And so even more motivation we have, to move the stock and permanently so. And what of our very latest issuances? What there? Priced even higher than .0005? And same certainly makes sense. And, fourthly, we have the company itself to consider. A company not going to succeed no matter WHAT, should market level continue to indeed stagnate. The stock fails ongoingly to reflect accurately, at the very least, true company value/valuation - the effect of applicable multiples inclusive - and we’re, as earlier stated, nothing but another sad and more OTC/pennyland statistic. Another victim of the egregiously self-serving contingent. And a scenario, once again, that management won’t be tolerating even slightly and for obvious again reasons. And, fifthly, we have, as earlier mentioned and obviously, upcoming industrial-strength PR’s. Skiershop and that ‘bigger company’ and REN/Steamboat TV-17 and so on. The currently outstanding and pending re M&A and such. And once we do start closing on these deals and otherwise growing/expanding seriously, and are provided the relevant/fitting numbers additionally? Well, we’ll see more and more buying interest and less and less interest in the unthinking bailing. The light at the end of that proverbial tunnel becoming more and more evident and so on. One positive thing indeed begetting another. And so on.

And, so, a cumulative effect is what it is. What it is we have. One that will, indeed, yield the desired market level result/effect, and in spades. Much motivation indeed, plus our coming DVD/VVV enlightenment. The getting of the company good word out, that is, in one of the best ways possible. And an, again, in-house production it is, which will be very telling in and of itself. And also our push to move to the PriQX and/or BB, we have. The becoming fully reporting angle. And last year we faced a silent period. One we emerged from extremely forcefully. Capitalized for the first time in our history with much progress/explosive growth/expansion thereafter being the reality. Inclusive of company name and symbol changes and authorized stock reduction and delinquent payroll taxes being covered in full, etc. And now we have a somewhat repeat of same. A bit of a lull in the action as we secure, once again, needed cost-effective significant cash and ready ourselves for another round of much progress. And progress like never before obviously and inclusive of indeed tangible shareholder value. And, so, continued patience required, as we await official word. For a PR or two, that is, outlining missing detail. The full and actual story. Or will we be surprised? Be graced with a … ‘Skiershop closed.’ … or some such PR, out of the blue? The referenced cash having been raised and applied with no time wasted? Personal sacrifice(s) and all? Or Summus center number one perhaps, secured re definitive agreements or better?

The bottom line being, that with a little concentration and thought. With a little, as usual, needed focus on the details and the considering of all and so on, we have as always, much to smile about. The best possible management we absolutely could ask for. Shareholder respectful and striving as hard as they can 14/7 to indeed build a very real company the right way. To indeed bring tangible value to shareholders, the right way, and in spades. And with continued patience indeed? Well, the larger shareholders among us are going to be laughing all the way to that proverbial bank for sure, as our indeed budding empire is going nowhere but up. And that much IS graven in stone. 'Pledged' indeed. Management not even slightly about to give up for reasons stated. No more than they did last year when it again took, literally, months for us to succeed on the first time becoming capitalized front. And succeed we did. But borrowing needed capital is a game that as same increases, becomes more expensive. And the reasoning, we’ve discussed, and is obvious anyway. And we raise the needed cash the way spoken of/as PR’d? Close the Skiershop deal and the rest of such as talked about? And grow/expand organically as mentioned? Well, we strengthen significantly ourselves, both again, fundamentally and operationally. We position ourselves for continued growth/expansion big time. For raising capital cost-effectively in the ABSENCE of personal sacrifice(s) and such. And otherwise, and as stated, improve internally with Skiershop-based cash flow for example. And all same portends. And so on.

So, much to smile about absolutely. And the pure traders among us? The screamers and whiners and so on? The impatient? The self-defeatingly greedy and such? Well, let them rant and rave and the rest of it. Let them sacrifice precious days of life. For at no point in the overall proceedings were any of same, nor the rest of us, forced to enter or to add. At no point forced to hold, outside of certain transient bottlenecks, that is. And as RJ, for one, keeps telling us…

‘This ain’t no day trade folks!’

And RJ is right. And has been so from day one. (Though one still always does one’s best to leverage those ever-present venue(s)-based realities ongoingly.) And, so, this one IS absolutely real. As real as it ever gets. A buy and hold special, it is. One, again, going to pay ever so nicely indeed given, again, the needed patience/time. And that patience/time might just be coming to a close as of this writing, with the cash talked about being already in hand or very close thereto and that mentioned second round of much progress/explosive growth/expansion indeed almost upon us. Skiershop and all. And we shall see. And let’s, again, hope for those definitive agreements becoming official re Summus center number one ASAP and at the very least. For same again is a VERY major plus for us. We NEED that first piece of real estate and desperately so. We need those definitive agreements and to then close the deal. We need center ourselves. Present our left side face to the world in a most telling and fitting way. A world about to open up big time for us. Given, that is, cash successfully and significantly raised. And just how close are we? Well…

“Consequently, we have resolved to continue to maximize the use of personal assets and real estate holdings to secure cost effective financing and execute our plan for growth"

“continue to maximize”

And kind’ a says it all.

And, so, continued patience indeed. The crux. Round number two, absolutely, on the way. Extremely aggressive growth/expansion Part II. And fun and profitable it will be, as talked about. A stable higher average trading base as needed/wanted and a whole lot more. And management, absolutely, bound and determined to elicit same even at personal cost(s)/sacrifice(s). And, indeed, says all it needs to/has to. And, so, green and a lot more indeed on the way.

Our budding empire, indeed, getting better day by day.

And thanks again and again you’re welcome.

As always happy, I am, to do what I can.

To share, indeed, the wealth.


The bottom line? We already covered it. With same being that yourself and ilk are indeed worthless. All talk and no action indeed. Not one of you able to walk the walk. Just and always talking the talk. Yammering on and on to no worthwhile end. And unmitigated gall you and said ilk do absolutely have, in light of same, to question and more myself. The one indeed walking the walk and routinely so. And I point out the realities? And what? Nothing but worthless drivel yet again. A veritable flood of same from yourself and ilk. Not a single worthwhile heads up provided. Not one. Not from any of you. My challenge going entirely unanswered as entirely expected. And ‘nuff said indeed. And gall indeed. Falling down indeed. And the indeed continued inanity of it all. And did you read some of what my words did elicit? And could I point out a few truly hilarious passages? Passages, once again, mind-bogglingly inane and then some? Speaking to me/my posts of being an obvious painful read, and yet? And brainless absolutely? Clowns indeed? And ten for ten I absolutely am. Having provided yourself and others money indeed on a silver platter. And yourself and ilk are, in your mind-bendingly warped minds, the be all and end all, are you? Some of the equities investing/trading world’s finest? That it? The ones having it all, right? So on? And laughable indeed?

A joke is what you absolutely are. The bunch of you, as stated. Entirely unable to compete intellectually and always and forever devolving accordingly. Futilely attempting to undermine/sidestep the realities indeed. The obvious painful truth of my words. And as for the weight each of us chooses to give one another’s posted words? Well, same is again entirely a personal judgment call. I’m doing nothing more, nor less, than what these boards are designed for. What the intent is. Sensibly and calmly and fittingly discussing a mutual investment/interest, that is. And once again, I can be expected to support that investment/interest in the absence of undeniable reason to do otherwise. And with that said? Well, call Dan. Call Nicholas. Call Nate. Call Bobbie. Ask those pressing questions. Find out for yourself just how much of a scam our budding empire is. And is it? Well, pick up the phone. Do what others have done, instead of mindlessly ranting and raving indeed in the absence of needed fact/detail. And along with the discussion? The supporting justifiably indeed via these boards my investment/interest? Well, I otherwise, and again, do always all I can to be as helpful, in general, as possible. Passing on the benefit of my experience to the neophytes among us collectively. And sharing indeed the wealth and extremely tellingly so. The fruits of an uncommonly active and agile mind. And yourself, again? And said ilk? Ranting and raving indeed, as stated, most of the time. Spewing far and away nothing but mindless drivel. Generalizations and baseless blanket statements and the like, coupled with name-calling and vulgarity and other such crassness. Not to mention the ‘LMAO’ stupidity. And do check those mentioned posting histories for the proof. Lunatically, for example, railing on and on about prior management, without whom, we wouldn’t be on the verge of acquiring Skiershop nor be holding an extremely valuable license re Stowe TV-10 and other such. And still in the picture, be they? Prior management, that is? And mindless indeed? The bunch of you maintaining a self-servingly warped, far from balanced, perspective and interested in indeed only yourselves. Every last one of you. Caring not a whit for any other(s) nor for the company itself nor for management’s valiant indeed 14/7 efforts to do what’s indeed right. What’s called for. All of you indeed a total joke. And speaking of?

Well, recall Met? And indeed others? Railing on about the need and likelihood of moving 70b plus shares or thereabouts? And accurate? TA accurate? So on? And what percentage ownership per management as we’ve been told? So on? The bunch of you will say anything to press home your mindless agendas. Always and forever spreading your wild exaggerations and inaccuracies otherwise. Cass inclusive, as recently pointed out. ‘Dozens’ of outstanding L’sOI, etc. Maintaining not even slightly, a sense of reality. Of necessarily considering all and so on. Of sticking to known detail. And joke indeed. And, yes. Green it is. The crux for yours truly. And what again, is it? Rocket science? Not what the flighty world of equities is all about? No? Not what Bill Gates is all about? No? Green indeed? The wealthiest? And message board posting careers? The life-wasting, again, variety? That it? What it IS all about? Mindlessly ranting and raving, indeed, on public message boards? Venting and such lunatically? Relieving in the only viable venue(s) available the daily stresses of being generally downtrodden in life? Of being obviously unaccomplished and relegated to the world’s sidelines? Displaying false bravado in the only way again doable/possible for all of you? Safely sequestered, that is, behind the protective ether/anonymity of cyberspace? Spewing nonsense indeed and vulgarities and epithets and such otherwise wantonly? In ways, indeed, that not one of you would repeat, even slightly, were you standing face-to-face with the object of your attention. Weaklings and cowards, all. And the credibility issue, yet again? And you imagine, do you, as queried previously, that when I provide a heads up(s), I myself own none of the referenced stock(s)? That I’m at least 90% convinced that green is in the offing and am intent upon simply sitting and watching while others gain? Watching others making all the green? And didn’t you say it yourself? And to wit…

“Green is all you want”

And? And double digit IQ indeed? Green is all I want but same is a no-go because I sensibly refuse to share, publicly, personal financial info/detail? And warped thinking, or what? Am I after the green or not? You make, as usual, no sense whatsoever. I’m after the green? But obviously not achieving such, according to your laughable self and others, because I refuse to be laughably baited/goaded? And no more sense do you make than when yourself and others do so revile me/my posts while at the same time being entirely fixated on me/said posts. Entirely unable to tear yourselves away. Declaring ME ever so laughably to be the one in desperate need of professional attention while mind-bogglingly laughably indeed proving, by virtue of your own words/actions, YOURSELVES to be the disordered minds among us. The ones indeed in desperate need of professional attention. And there’s seemingly not one of you can see it. The laughable self-labeling, that is, so often referenced. And shock and surprise? And comical absolutely? Ever so telling absolutely? Mental Midgets Anonymous? Absolutely? And sure, I possess certain abilities that the vast majority of others do not, but same isn’t required to get past the trees to the forest. To see just how incredibly intellectually deficient yourself and ilk truly are. Not one of you ever proving a worthwhile intellectual challenge. Disordered minds indeed. Stunted minds indeed. Supposedly loathing, or some such again, me/my posts and yet, again, supposedly torturing yourselves over and over. And recall my earlier posts re a poke in the eye with a sharp stick? And the seeming, and even obvious, enjoyment of same? And disordered minds indeed? Joke indeed? So on? The bunch of you absolutely? And little question indeed? It’s unbelievable, is what it is. And…

“so I won't waste any more time with you talking about mores and ethics”

And a promise? And will I remember? And remind as in all likelihood called for at some point? And on the subject of self-serving? Agendas and such? Well, try entertaining a little discourse with our collective bashing contingent. The ‘unbalanced’ indeed. See if you come up with anything telling indeed re mores and ethics and such. And then have a chat with Mario of then-MLON fame and see what you come up with. And me? Green only and nothing more? Well, no indeed, as pointed out. As I, again, always attempt in my posts to educate as best I can the uninitiated among us. Passing on, indeed, the benefit of my experience and the fruits indeed of an above average mind and memory. And again, and of course, we have the sharing of the wealth. And there’s more, for those who can see it. And, so, DO preach to someone else. DO live up to your own words. And in closing? Well indeed an above average mind and memory and your ongoing pitifully futile attempts at goading/baiting same into repeating Met’s laughable indeed stupidity saying all it needs to. Just and exactly, that is, how truly mentally deficient you again are. And as for what folks think? The credibility issue, again? Well, take a poll. Ask our fellow collective denizens whether they’re of the opinion that this past week I scored big time or whether I did simply sit, observing only, as MRDAF and IPKL and a couple of others climbed to new near-term heights. Take indeed a poll. And do I make money regularly? Well again, I started out at the tender age of nine on a serious basis re equities, and I’ve been into same ever since. And Einstein need apply? And again ten for ten? And Einstein need apply? And the difference? This past week, that is? The OTC/pennyland. Whereas my forte is the NAZ, as stated numerous times. Both junior and senior. A big score in the basement is what we’re talking about with, indeed, more of same to come. And think I’m wrong about INXR? Eleven for eleven? Well, watch and learn. And as for bragging? The futile and pathetic, yet again? Well, once again, I’m a realist. I tell it like it is. And, again, if yourself and ilk can’t handle such? Well yet again…

Your problem.

And, so, deal with it.

And while we’re at it? Well let’s consider MRDAF and IPKL yet again. And you made not a cent? No? You and the rest of said resident collective clown show? And the situation to be no different re INXR, indeed, and what’s absolutely building/coming? Or did you actually HEED wise words and profit accordingly? And if so? Well, you know. Right? Hmm? And…

Wink, wink?


Wink, wink?

And clown show indeed? Can’t make even so much as a red cent even when the opportunity is proffered you on a silver platter? And what? Waiting for Sandy Claws and that sack? Nothing but a gift in hand with no effort whatsoever required? And mental midgets indeed? Joke indeed? The rest of it? Indeed? And yet again, little question? Oh and don’t forget…

“so I won't waste any more time with you talking about mores and ethics”

Oh, and, here you go. My RB iggy list as it currently stands. Latest recruits and all...


And get any of these indeed clowns, yourself included, to come up with just a single worthwhile and timely heads up? Just one?

And dream on?

And rage on, hmm?

And ciao of course.


I knew I’d be hearing from you. And hopefully you and yours are well and all of you enjoying those renovations and the rest of it. Oh and are the ‘rumors’ true? I’m now the enemy, that is? Hmm?

(wink wink)

And if memory serves, and it extremely generally does, you were, some time back, engaged to be married. And I haven’t read any updates since the big announcement (courtesy of Crash and friends) and so I thought I’d make quick mention and wish you both well and convey fitting congratulations if such IS called for. And hopefully it is. And so all the best indeed. And thank you kindly, for the additional PeopleMark and the warm welcome otherwise. Greatly appreciated. And we miss YOU, too. A great many of us, as you know, and we all of us look forward to your rejoining us in the ‘open’ soon. And no worries, as Dan WILL provide. Numbers being indeed on the way. And, then, on to becoming a fully reporting company. And, yes. RB has most definitely devolved beyond even the tolerable. A circus and more it absolutely is. And yes, again. My weekend, so far, is a good one. Though, so far, I’ve spent quite a chunk of it cleaning up Mother Nature’s doings. It being autumn and all. And as for that scenario you presented? Well, it definitely holds merit. For management is absolutely convinced along the abuse lines. With their own take on the actual numbers front, additionally. And it’s those numbers that are the crux, with the NOBO/OBO focus/math telling us, as discussed, of intent indeed to discern the numbers realities and the dividend angle the same. Desire for an undeniable reconciling. An accounting, if you will, such that any/all extant short position, in total, will be isolated and targeted. A little very telling exposure. And as you say, the original force of things on said dividend front, HAS been minimized absolutely, courtesy of the follow-up ‘optional’ PR/presentment. Leaving the registering in personal name, that is, up to personal choice. The individual willingness to absorb the associated cost(s). But, still, what management attempts/is doing overall, tells us that the focus is very much the abuse issue. On forcing an en masse buy-in as indeed applicable. And certainly with the grandfathering provision heading the way of the dinosaur, it’s only a matter of time before there IS an overall settling of things long overdue, and extremely damaging, indeed. For a great many, indeed. Of certain very guilty parties getting their just deserts. And with that said? Well, again, we need consider our PR’s of late…

“Consequently, we have resolved to continue to maximize the use of personal assets and real estate holdings to secure cost effective financing and execute our plan for growth"

“cost effective financing”

“execute our plan for growth"

And, so, what management IS doing is telling us where the money is going. And it’s not a massive buyback, as discussed. It’s a new tack. A value/valuation one. The aforementioned. And how much cash ARE we talking about? That to be raised? And enough for indeed BOTH a direct and indirect approach re pps appreciation? And which approach, again, would management find more appealing, given overall circumstances? And, so, I personally am not expecting a massive buyback in the immediate. The 20% proposal. But down the road? Well, that certainly adds up. After we strengthen ourselves significantly as discussed. And am I right? Well, not necessarily, but logic DOES dictate (see above). Circumstances DO tell/suggest. And as for favorable share structure adjustments ongoingly? The one bite at a time approach, as has been the case to date? Well absolutely. I completely agree. And put it all together? Well, we’re all going to be laughing all the way to that proverbial bank. The patient again ones among us, that is. And should we BE surprised? Shocked even? By a PR or two, that is, that tell(s) of BOTH a massive buyback AND Plan B (my Plan B) [value/valuation]. Well, a happy day it will be. Smiles all around it will be. And we shall see. What does INDEED fit and what doesn’t. And we’ve been surprised before. Shocked even. And Stockli and Skiershop, as examples, have a lot to leverage. As does Stowe TV-10. And so we SHALL see. A possible, more than welcome, PR(‘s) surprise(s) and all.

And thanks, again, for the gracious indeed welcome and kind words and act additionally.

You’re a good one for sure. Always one of my favorites. With any harsh words between us over time being entirely fleeting and dismissible. Both of us leaning toward the open and honest side. Bluntness, and telling it like it is. Able to express, freely, feelings and such. Both personal and otherwise. And a good way to be, it is for sure.

And nice to be back, it is for sure.

And you and the rest take care.

And congratulations indeed if such IS indeed called for. IS the case.

All the best absolutely.

And the numbers again ARE on the way.

And, so, you WILL be back with us soon.

And thankfully, indeed, so.





One of the finest possible examples of what really IS important in life. What it is, really DOES matter.

And good luck to you too.