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Alias Born 09/17/2015

Re: None

Tuesday, 07/12/2016 4:45:33 PM

Tuesday, July 12, 2016 4:45:33 PM

Post# of 1473
Hi, I am still here and holding everything I have purchased over the past 10 months from ANRZQ. I almost sold yesterday but the lack of specifics regarding shareholders made me hold tight. I think it was mostly post bk traders selling the past day or two. Big money has lost so much they will just hold and try to sue someone after delisting. If you lost 5, 10 ,20, 50 bucks a share over the past 5-6 years why would you dump suddenly over past couple of days? Especially with what we all know happened with anr management and the monthly statements post bk.........1.5 billion is shareholder equity the first few months post bk........I don't know what is going to happen but most big money that was going to sell sold late 2015 to offset gains for that years. That is partly why is started rising Jan 2 2016.

To be honest......I will need the big volume like this or more to sell out fast. I rolled the dice big and the dice haven't stopped rolling yet.

If i lose it won't change my i win i will buy my wife I new GT Mustang and if I win big I will pay off the house.

She has never forgiven me for trading in her GT Mustang for a mom car.
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