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Alias Born 01/29/2012

Re: DZ25 post# 289242

Tuesday, 02/02/2016 10:35:30 PM

Tuesday, February 02, 2016 10:35:30 PM

Post# of 312054
IMHO from the start I don't think the company is/was a scam. I think things didn't turn out as planned. IMHO I believe Kevin and Tony B killed the company. As for Rick H, I don't have a single clue what the hell he is doing and neither does he. I honestly believe I could have run the company better than the last 3. I also believe with a fixed and working #3 and $250,000 in the bank I can turn this company around, become profitable and sell a machine. And no, I have not been drinking or crazy!

Have you ever seen a bigger POS scam company in your life? The only shares traded again are for the fraud dividend. NEATO!!! as some jackass used to say.