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Re: Until2020, formerly Until2017 post# 151

Thursday, 01/22/2015 3:46:14 PM

Thursday, January 22, 2015 3:46:14 PM

Post# of 200
until2017 RE: See NYBOB's post #103 :

Even though CAL is in PNPFF's list of holdings, NY ( and I also ) think
it is a good idea to hold Caledonia, also, separately.
I owe NY for that insight. I have some, and need to buy more
as funds permit.

I bought some shares in March ( I wish I had bought more than I did ) and
I have gotten a good dividend twice since then --
in addition to a nice gain .

CALVF (Caledonia) pays a nice ($.08?) divy (end of this
month, I think) at $.64 per share and likely to keep climbing, having gone
through some change at CEO they are revamping to a more aggressive mining
campaign to dramatically increase production. They are a strong
consideration...although the political risk factor is there.

One of the earth lowest cost gold production - video -

CALVF has NO DEBT - paying 8% dividend -

CALVF has cash in London bank - just about cover the market cap. -

CALVF TA in the buy zone - long bullrun UP -

Gold & Silver is the only REAL Legal Tender -
by The Founding Fathers -

God Bless

My opinions are my own and and DD I post should be confirmed as unbiased