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Alias Born 08/31/2006

Re: None

Wednesday, 07/16/2014 10:09:54 AM

Wednesday, July 16, 2014 10:09:54 AM

Post# of 309
NVLX - 7/16/14 price about 27 cents. Nuvilex has a drug delivery technology which is innovative, effective, technologically advanced, causes less side effects, and is flexible across a broad spectrum of ailments. Nuvilex has Dr. Von Hoff and Dr. Matthias Löhr on their team, two leading pancreatic/tumor cancer specialists (google them). Nuvilex has the licensing agreements to patented technology (cell in a box). They have everything ready to capture major segments of this market (pancreatic cancer, pain, tumors, diabetes, etc). Investors right now are just early to the party, people are learning about Nuvilex as we speak...after pre-clinical (Aug 2014) and start of Phase 2b clinical (early 2015), the real show will start in my opinion.
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