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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
I bought 15 million shares back in 2010 and am patiently waiting for this to go on a tear.
Patience always pays off, imo.
Of course he is! He just needs to move on and stop being a nuisance!
Jumped today on the Merger news! Looks to move up, big time, imo
Everybody has an opinion and I am sure there are others who do not agree with yours!
Just saying so don't make it happen!
Be patient!
This is going to come to life perhaps starting this afternoon!
It sure did and I made 30K on it when it did!
Looks like some movement this morning with some buying around 13 million shares bought.
ZERO percent!
But graphs don’t work with Pennie’s, and I know you know that!
Probably better leave then, Goodbye,
Looks like a bit of buying today! Wonder if this is going to come to life?
Looks like we have a little life here!
Could not agree more!
You tell 'em! Losers always find a way to lose, don't you?
If Biden pushes through legalizing MJ this could certainly benefit along with all of the marijuana stocks of which I hold at least 8 different ones! It will be very interesting to see what happens!
September 20, 2022 news report showing very good results from drilling exploration, ever better than expected mineral values!
Certainly hope that is the case, because I was also in TSNP and what a life changer that was for me.
Latest news out on September 7, 2022, shows promising returns on drilling exploration being completed presently. This should get going and should move up in value as further results come in!
Lots of folks loading up here. Already over 913 million in volume in just a few hours!
Looks as if we are going to open at .40 this morning! Just keeps going up.
0.2986 and climbing!
Youi wish! Goodbye!
You wish!
Good for you as it now goes up!
0.2716 now!
I could not agree more!
Yes you did, and it did head toward .0030, however it has stopped going down and will regain traction upward, imo
Don't think so! This is actually heading back up, imo!
I think so! I am waiting at .0044 to pick up some more cheap shares!
Yes, especially since the stock market is going to tank and probably lose 15% or more before the end of the year!
That is total Bullshit
You must be kidding!
You tell ‘em and when someone decides to listen, please let us know especially since no one cares what you are selling, which is absolute Horse s-it!
Could see .0041 or lower before end of day, imo.
Probably time to load up more .0006's then!
MM's working hard picking up all of the stop loss orders, then this goes back up!
No doubt about it. This is not a flippers delight for sure!