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LRPennies in my view is just as guilty as many others like Hoang in all of this. He was acting all elite and encouraging people to buy for a very long period of time because he would talk directly with Henry. When Henry started ghosting him like he did everyone else, he then all of the sudden realized what was happening.
The amazing thing about those articles, is it shows how horrible the regulation system in place (SEC/FINRA) truly is. A good 60% of all these tickers have posters purposely trying to manipulate the share price. They are not even shy about their intentions in a lot of cases. Heck, some of the biggest hedge funds even pay people to do it. The regulators show how tough they are by publicizing they snagged some really small fish, and then turn a blind eye to the people causing the most harm. Great system...smh
Nothing PT posts on here would warrant any sort of investigation. If anything the person is guilty of optimism and being too hopeful. Big deal. Maybe a completely different view these days than most PHIL investors, but people are entitled to their own perceptions as well.
ATran, Forrest, LR Pennies, Biren, NYC Boss, PhiltoDollars, Mookie, General Cotton, DJK, and Hoang all immediately come to mind. I doubt anything happens to them, but it sure is a shame seeing all this explode.
I don't blame anyone for exiting. I've thought about it myself. I'm even at the moment so I wouldn't take a loss, I just do not understand how they can say all the stuff they did and then go completely dark. Nothing about them ever seems to make sense.
The volume has been next to nothing, so I do not think people are trying to buy at all. Kudos for the positivity, but it continues to show no signs of life so not sure how it would ever run.
Please explain to me how this is any different from all the PR's about funding that has been going on for years now. I'd love to be excited, but Henry hasn't closed one package ever, so it's hard to believe things will be different anytime soon.
I'm waiting for a share update to see if that is indeed what happened. I'm sensing it was dilution.
If there were any real "hint" the volume would a lot higher. Just rational common sense.
An investor of some sort is the only possible avenue for them to get any money. No financial institution or large bank is going to lend any kind of meaningful money when seeing the finances of PHIL. The 8k doesn't say if money is already funded into a PHIL account, or if any money is ready to use right away. IMO, pretty much the same pattern as all the previous agreements.
3's appear to be endless. There's still plenty available if someone wants some.
Of course he did. He has a history of these type of tactics.
What Bio-tech stock are you referring to? I'd like to look into it further.
I've seen some posts from Engineers who say geomagnetic technology is not even doable. I'm not an Engineer, but they did post some interesting information that basically says geomagnetic technology has already been tried by other companies with complete failure. It is not a new concept.
The poster is being an overly dramatic attention seeker. Yes, a RS is most likely needed at some point, but the company is also making money so the SP should naturally rise here in the next few months. It also sounds like we could be getting a PR here soon that should also help.
Ideally, it would be nice to see this at .01 or .02 cents minimum before any RS consideration. Something along the lines of a 1/500 or less RS is more realistic.
I'm not impressed with anything involving Trent. I am going to hold simply because I think the OTC could experience a nice uprising in 2025, and because my average share price in this is right at today's trading share price. I was fortunate enough to get several million shares at .0001 earlier this year.
If this rose to .0015 again, IMO it would truly be a miracle.
What is taking them so long to get out of the EM? I fully understand things take time in most cases, but these people are taking forever. How do investors remain positive when they seem to be stuck in the mud?
I've been trying to get 1's all week and have not had any luck. I do not need more than what I have now, I just thought I would try for the heck of it to see if the order would fill.
The X post says "corporate update" so I am personally not expecting anything good.
How many outstanding shares were there when it ran like that? Also, Henry has lost all investor confidence since then and that is huge. His words mean nothing, and that's never a good thing.
There's truly too many Twitter posts from Henry to list of him being dishonest. Saying things like "days away" from closing a funding package. Here we are years later and still nothing. Then there's also this of course:
What a mess this has become. Trent is a joke and can F right off.....smh
Henry has been leading people on for over 10 years. Maybe a miracle finally does happen and what he said Friday comes to fruition, but there is a very long track record of his words meaning absolutely nothing.
Go back and look at all the LOI's/MOU's or 8k's filed for the past 10+ years, and show me which one came to fruition. Go back and watch all the CC's and show me where anything he said in those came to fruition. I'd love to see it.
I am 100% on board with PHIL having all the success in the world, but I've been around long enough to see reality versus Henry's never ending road of deceit. I see things through clear lenses, not Henry colored lenses.
It's pretty clear, you're the fool. Or, simply unable to read. One doesn't have to dig too deep to find "verifiable information" about Henry and all his transgressions. The stuff posted by many on iHub, Stocktwits, Twitter, and all the other social media sites is just icing on the cake.
Please tell me this is sarcasm. It is common knowledge Henry has ruined lives with his deceit.
Yes, he did say Nissan. The company on the verge of becoming extinct.
The lawsuits are one of the reasons he won't say much, and nothing new will be learned by anyone who listens in on the CC. He is smart enough not to be on further record for additional blatant deceit.
The CC is nothing more than to appease the ones who have been pushing for an update. Henry will say they're close and working hard. Nothing new will be learned from the CC.
Looks like there will be more than one announcement. Hope at least one of them involves TONR.
"Next year" has not been the push yet. Henry made a statement earlier this year that he had to have funding by year's end or things were basically never going to happen.
You can surely count on Henry coming up with a new story here soon though to keep this ridiculous charade going. Henry has proven himself to be one of the lowest forms of human life.
There's plenty of two's for people to buy. If there was any confidence at all, two's would be flying off the board. The problem is there's no interest due to managements inability to come through on anything other than a trail of empty words. For good reason, most investors have no confidence in Trent or CJM.
Huh? "People buying shares"? There's been 1.3 million shares of volume. Less than $300. How is that any indication of "people buying"?
They've been available for a few weeks now.
These MOU's/LOI's go back for years and years. There's been a few companies that looked promising. However, reality is not one has ever materialized.
I read the PR, but did not see any mention of TONR. I easily could have missed it too. Time will tell if what they are doing generates any real revenue.
Great, another useless MOU/LOI that investors will never hear about again. This makes over (40) of them now over the years, and sadly not "one" has ever materialized. IMO, nothing will ever come of this PR based on Henry's long history of failure.
There's just too many red flags IMO. They've issued too many PR's to count, and not one has come to fruition or is even spoken about again. Stuff like that simply doesn't happen at good companies.
Needs a massive PR or 8k for any run up. Lots of chatter as always with this one, but no follow through. Seeing is believing, so we'll see if Trent provides something soon. There's no interest by looking at the volume, so action is the only thing that matters.
He's already confirmed filing will be done today.
The volume alone tells you no one is buying due to these announcements today. Henry has zero credibility whatsoever. PR’s are meaningless and everyone knows it.